WiN Assessment Initiative

The WiN Assessment Initiative Survey deadline was extended until Friday, 9/14/18. It is now closed. Thanks to all who participated in WiN's first Initiative. 

Initiative Survey Details:

WiN has a cooperative agreement with NRCS, contracted with EResources Group, to develop and conduct a survey for all employees to complete, regardless of gender. The survey assesses barriers to recruitment, retention, promotion and gender diversity.

The purpose of this partnership is for NRCS and WiN to focus, understand and develop objectives to assist the agency with recruitment, retention and promotion and develop effective leadership development for female employees.

The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please find the survey below or use the link ( The survey results will be sent directly to a third-party vendor (EResources Group) to maintain the highest levels of confidentiality. To ensure strict confidentiality, WiN and EResources will mask all data collected to the highest level. There is also the opportunity to participate in identifying personal barriers experienced during your NRCS career via recorded interviews or written stories. 

If interested in submitting a “recorded experience,” please use the instructions posted below for Android or Apple devices. The recordings will be transcribed and masked by the third party to ensure confidentiality. There is also the opportunity to participate in identifying personal barriers experienced during your career via written stories. If interested in submitting a written personal story, send to or EResources Group, LLC, 2550 Stagecoach Road, Webster City, IA 50595.